Benefit Dinner for Liam

January 31, 2021 update:
I want to thank everyone who helped with the BBQ Benefit Dinner for Liam! So many of you served, donated food and supplies, and bought plates! Pastor Josh did a great job organizing this event! We made 375 plates! Now at $10 a plate that would bring our total to $3,750 but through your generosity we raised over $5,200! Isn’t God awesome? Isn’t the HBC Family awesome? Now speaking of plates we still have a few left! They are in the refrigerator at church! If you would like another one tomorrow let me or Pastor Josh know! We also have three, 5lb tubs of BBQ that you can get for a donation of $20 each! Let me or Josh know if your interested! See you tomorrow for worship!

January 29, 2021 update:
Pastor Josh and myself are amazed at how many plates have been sold for Liam Grant’s Benefit BBQ Dinner! You have left us scrambling to make sure we have enough food! We have 343 plates spoken for!!! We are going to sell out at 375!! The link to sign up will be stopped and frozen at 360! You all did great but stop sharing the link, we are out of food! <block type=5020202020Recent



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